let's get to know eachother

I am the face behind 49th State Photography. I'm ecstatic that you found your way here. I am a licensed local lifestyle photographer based out of the Matanuska Valley, mama to 2 wild boys, and an adventure enthusiast. I'm here to capture every raw moment, from the seemingly small to the huge life milestones. I believe that every picture tells a unique story and I am here to help you tell yours in the most beautiful way possible. Contact me today to chat about creating something wonderful together.


Oh Hey!

let's get you on the books!

Grab your favorite mug, fill it with coffee (or tea if you prefer) and settle in because you are about to read my life story summed up in one big paragraph. As much as I'd love to do the whole speech about how I was born and raised in Alaska, blah blah blah. I can't! I was actually born in Missouri... I know, not the cliche you always hear in a local photographer's biography. Although I was not born here, I was raised here for most of my life and let me tell you, I am so thankful my mom moved us up here at a young age so that I could get the true Alaskan experience. I started life out in the big city of Anchorage and gradually, we moved further and further away from the chaos. I thought my teenage years came to a screeching halt when my parents decided to up and move 30 miles out of town to the middle of the mountains. Losing all those childhood friends and starting a new life I was completely unfamiliar with was hard on me. So like all of us do, I turned to something that passed the time. But no, this time killer was not a time killer at all. As a matter of fact, it was the total opposite and allowed me to freeze time in its tracks. I got to capture the happiest moments of my life and it made me realize that I LOVED that cozy little cabin and farm life that I was so terrified to let in for years. It made me regret all the angry days I spent fighting my parents and wishing for a time machine. It made me miss the closeness of being crammed in a one bedroom cabin with my parents and three younger siblings. The second I picked up a camera, I knew I had found my lifelong passion. I started out small, nature shots and macro images of flowers and bumble bees. I forced my siblings to model for me and the little passion fairy in me said, "GO BIGGER!" So here I am, starting my own portrait photography business after years of taking photos. That, my friends, is how 49th State Photography came to be. Now, you're likely not interested in the rest but I will tell you anyways because the final image is the most important part of the journey.

I moved out at fifteen years old and started working towards my independence. Fast forward, I am now the mama of two handsome little boys. I live in the Matanuska Valley with my fiance, 2 boys, and our blue heeler fur baby. The six of us are growing and building the life we dream about together. I run an in home childcare currently and I could not be more blessed to stay home with my little guys and be there for their growth and milestones. Not only do I get to be there for my babies, but my job allows me to further grow and maintain my photography business. Life is good and I am ecstatic that you are choosing to join me on my artistic journey! If you made it this far, see you very soon!

 I'd have to say that autumn is my favorite season. Pajamas all day, candles burning, fall aromas throughout the house, pumpkin pie, thanksgiving, vibrant colors everywhere... it's unbeatable! 

I will never stop collecting fluffy blankets and candles. My family and friends say I may have an obsession.

My babies are basically my whole personality. My boys are my drive and motivation to be the best version of myself that I can be.

I live for adventures. Anything outdoors? Count me in! Camping, fishing, hiking, ATV fun, you name it.

yours truly

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